
Loki Naturals

Loki Naturals is a line of full spectrum CBD oils and treats. We started looking into natural options when Atlas was about a year old because we wanted to help with what appeared to be anxiety.

Since finding Loki Naturals, Atlas takes a small dose of it daily and we see a noticeable difference in his calmness throughout the day. CBD has also been shown to help with joint pain as well which is an important factor for us with a large breed doggo.

A comprehensive guide to what CBD is and what makes Loki Naturals different can be found on their blog here.

 Mighty Paw

Mighty Paw is a family owned company based in New York that makes our favorite dog harness. It’s high quality, long lasting, and easy to use. It has front and back attachment points as well as a handle.

Atlas wears it on daily walks, long hikes, and even swimming!